
To me; envy of butterflies.

You startle with words

as you speak with your eyes.

I Shall rise for my soul

as I look at you during sunrise.

I See this desire in you

while I got lost in your labyrinth of lies.

Tell me how you loved me

if you didn’t speak in disguise.

Show me how I have to believe you

as the stars have spoken for the wise.

In hope I do not trust

as I remember the tears of night-cries.

When you looked away

as I saw the the world falling from the skies.

You startle with words

To me; envy of butterflies.

I tried something new today; I did what?

Yes, my next poem is a try-out. I hope you liked it at first sight? because, there is a little trick in it. You can read my poem from top to bottom, but at the same time you can read it from bottom to top! So please, Check it out and tell me what you think. It was my first time trying this out! Have fun!

Stamp of approval

59 responses to “‘fabula,”

  1. OMG jojo….. ❤️❤️ Wow. Very beautiful and loved what you did with the top to bottom, bottom to top. That’s amazing. A lovely ending to my night duty shift, and realised I left my stethoscope, do depressed now ☹️😭…. But reading this lifted my spirits. It’s ready very beautiful ❤️❤️🌹🌹

    Liked by 4 people

  2. This was interesting to read. I believe every good poem can be read from anywhere in any order unless some metre scheme is put as a constraint: which means : though I don’t want to disparage your efforts: I don’t see you doing anything novel in the genre of poetry. My apologies. Say my hello to Lia the poet if she’s still your friend.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Hey, aNadventures, I’m glad you enjoyed my poem ☺️🙏🏽 I truly appreciate it!! And it would be fun seeing you doing it as well!! Glad i could inspire you.

      “One community one goal, to write and to inspire!!” ☺️❤️

      Liked by 1 person

    • Omg , I was so busy today that I almost missed this amazing comment/link! Thank you so much for sharing my work ❤️ I truly appreciate it!!! You are amazing for doing so!🙏🏽🙈❤️


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